where the hell is that??? long time not updated, I know, but right now I'm just a bit rushing around and the internet connections are not always available or not efficient (wie alles hier in Indien). ok, right now I am am Arsch der Welt in a little town between Mumbai and Pune. Actually I don't really know why I am here... I wanted to escape from the heats of Mumbai until I have my flight on Wednesday, so I went to Pune where I heard there is a pop-ashram with a guru who thinks that meditation, luxury and sex are ways on how to find harmony, your inner self and -least but not last - unison with the cosmos. Imagine how many followers he has:-) Well, the place is called OSHO MEDITATION RESORT. There is a small bookshop where he sells expensive books, you can also go on a short guided tour (which I could not because I left Pune after only one horrible night in a horrible guest-house). Anyway, there were a lot of poeple walking around in white and maroon robes, looking (I must admit) quite relaxed and satisfied (in contrast to some poeple in Auroville (which is not really an Ashram, but something similar). Well, maybe it was only a superficial impression or maybe these poeple have really found what they were looking for in life. The guesthouses were all very expensive and the one where I spent last night was one of the worse ones I have seen so far in India (and believe me, there are a lot of worse and worst accomodations here in this country).
now, just a short update since my last post; after pondicherry I went to Chidambaram, a small very ugly, filthy, typical southern Indian town with a huge temple (dedicated to Shiva; and quite impressive); then Trichy where I only saw the ROCK TEMPLE and not the biggest temple in the south of India; Trichy has a surprisingly efficient bus-service; then KODAIKANAL, a beautiful hill-station where I met Abbi; spent 4 days there and did some trekking; the longest one was 22 km downhill through the forest with an overpaid guide who introduced us some jungle-flora (first time I've seen an Avocado Tree, Coffee Tree and Cardamon Tree...!!). Well after this track which was rounded up with a horrible bus ride back to KODAI (3 hours standing in a jampacked bus; yes exactly like the pics in tv-documentaries on India! poeple squeezing in and out the bus-door at the same time; poeple fainting in the bus; poeple throwing-up in and out the bus-window.... experience India!!! that's the way India is, yep. ) Trekking in KODAIKANAL. I couldn't walk the next two days:-) Well, the place itself is beautiful, not the town though, just nature, the surroundings (it's on 2100 meters above sealevel). It's better than Ooty which was very nice too; then back to B'lore, watching Switzerland-France on my last night there (0-0, noed schlaecht; hopp schwiiz). then, finally I left Bangalore forever - or never say never -... felt a bit melanchonlic, I must admit, but not because of the city, just because of the experiences I made, simply the life I had there; then Mumbai with Nina; the first real city I've seen in India; at least the center was urban!! - alles von den Englaendern gebaut. also nicht wirklich indisch - we did some sight-seeing, visited some very good restaurants and went out one night, which was interesting; schicki-micki Indian szenis; top gestylte chicas und chicos die mit ihren stoeckelschuhen und markenkleidern ueber die auf dem gehsteig pennenden bettler steigen vor dem club; echt dekadent und wieder mal soooo bezeichnend fuer die hiesige mentalitaet; then Pune as mentioned above. I must say, Pune is definitely better than Bangalore. There is something which gives it a certain charactere. The town is very green and the infrastructure not that bad; Now, Lonavla.... close to here are rock-cut caves which are among the oldest and finest examples of Early Buddhist rock temple art in India (as Lonely Planet says!!) I'll visit them tomorrow. Wednesday flight to Delhi and then start-up heading north to the Himalaya.
Bis zum naechsten, hopp schwiiz
und gruss daheim. vermiss zueri maengisch scho chli.
mi scho.
now, just a short update since my last post; after pondicherry I went to Chidambaram, a small very ugly, filthy, typical southern Indian town with a huge temple (dedicated to Shiva; and quite impressive); then Trichy where I only saw the ROCK TEMPLE and not the biggest temple in the south of India; Trichy has a surprisingly efficient bus-service; then KODAIKANAL, a beautiful hill-station where I met Abbi; spent 4 days there and did some trekking; the longest one was 22 km downhill through the forest with an overpaid guide who introduced us some jungle-flora (first time I've seen an Avocado Tree, Coffee Tree and Cardamon Tree...!!). Well after this track which was rounded up with a horrible bus ride back to KODAI (3 hours standing in a jampacked bus; yes exactly like the pics in tv-documentaries on India! poeple squeezing in and out the bus-door at the same time; poeple fainting in the bus; poeple throwing-up in and out the bus-window.... experience India!!! that's the way India is, yep. ) Trekking in KODAIKANAL. I couldn't walk the next two days:-) Well, the place itself is beautiful, not the town though, just nature, the surroundings (it's on 2100 meters above sealevel). It's better than Ooty which was very nice too; then back to B'lore, watching Switzerland-France on my last night there (0-0, noed schlaecht; hopp schwiiz). then, finally I left Bangalore forever - or never say never -... felt a bit melanchonlic, I must admit, but not because of the city, just because of the experiences I made, simply the life I had there; then Mumbai with Nina; the first real city I've seen in India; at least the center was urban!! - alles von den Englaendern gebaut. also nicht wirklich indisch - we did some sight-seeing, visited some very good restaurants and went out one night, which was interesting; schicki-micki Indian szenis; top gestylte chicas und chicos die mit ihren stoeckelschuhen und markenkleidern ueber die auf dem gehsteig pennenden bettler steigen vor dem club; echt dekadent und wieder mal soooo bezeichnend fuer die hiesige mentalitaet; then Pune as mentioned above. I must say, Pune is definitely better than Bangalore. There is something which gives it a certain charactere. The town is very green and the infrastructure not that bad; Now, Lonavla.... close to here are rock-cut caves which are among the oldest and finest examples of Early Buddhist rock temple art in India (as Lonely Planet says!!) I'll visit them tomorrow. Wednesday flight to Delhi and then start-up heading north to the Himalaya.
Bis zum naechsten, hopp schwiiz
und gruss daheim. vermiss zueri maengisch scho chli.
mi scho.
Hi Mischo,
It is always nice to read and hear about you. I just went through your Blog and all the good memories of India came to my mind. In fact, when I was in Amsterdam, before coming back to Mexico, we found a restaurant called Memories of India, it was really memorable after the 360 degree experience we had there.
Enjoy the rest of your journey!
Much Love,
David from Mexico
He Mischo, alte Säge,
mensch, da bist ja wieder mal ordentlich rumgekommen. Freut mich auf jeden Fall zu hören, dass es dir dort in Mumbai und Pune von von städtischen Aspekten gut gefallen hat. Sonst würde ja Indien in deiner Vorstellung total am Arsch sein...so Junge, nur zur Info, die Schweiz hat auch in ihrem zweiten WM-Spiel wieder gepunktet. Diesmal sogar nen Dreier..nit schlecht, wie der Köbi seinen Jungs Feuer unterm Arsch macht...hopp Schwitz oder wie dat uch immer heisst. Heute spielen the Germans...abs ins Millers und den Panzer rollen sehen, wa...
Gruss von deinem alten Leidensgenossen,
Ja, ich lese regelmaessig, auch wenn ich nichts kommentiere. Der Besuch Deiner Mama und Urs war viel zu schnell vorbei, wir hatten es schoen. Ich freute mich riesig sie hier zu haben! Dir wuensche ich weiterhin "happy travels", schoene Erfahrungen, geniess es! Liebi Gruessli!
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